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Support Services

Please find on this page support resources that you can access if you need help. If you are in crisis, please present at the Emergency Department as soon as possible.

The Samaritans

Whatever you are going through, call free at any time. A volunteer will give you space to be yourself and talk and they will listen.

  • Call on 116 123


Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK (up to 35 years old) charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.

Are you or a young person you know experiencing thoughts of suicide? For Confidential suicide prevention advice please contact the HOPELINEUK – open from 9.00am to midnight every day.

  • Hopeline: 0800 0684141
  • Text: 07860 039967

BMA Wellbeing Service

If you are suffering with your mental wellbeing/anxiety related to the current situation and the high number of “unknowns”. This is a perfectly normal reaction to what is going on and we would encourage doctors in this situation to access the service. This is a completely confidential helpline which can also offer same day access to a counsellor and/or peer support. Doctors do not need to be a member of the BMA and it is also available to families of doctors.

Practitioner Health

Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS primary care mental health and addiction service with expertise in treating health & care professionals. The service can help with a range of mental health conditions and addictions in primary care settings. We also see healthcare professionals with more severe illnesses, such as bipolar affective disorder, personality disorders and psychosis and with a range of addiction issues.

Practitioner Health offers a range of talking therapies, CBT and Brief Psychotherapy. These sessions are usually between 8-12 sessions. They also run facilitated peer support group for our patients/doctors affected by neurodiversity where they can share experiences and resources, and this may be useful in people with a diagnosis or awaiting assessment.

In addition, Practitioner Health run a facilitated bereavement support group for doctors - group is for doctors or medical professions who has lost someone to suicide, or they know of a doctor or medical profession who has chosen suicide. These groups run approximately every six weeks. This has been running since 2018 and people are welcome to join as required. There is no obligation to attend a set number for meetings, it is just to support.

Doc Health

DocHealth is a confidential, not for profit, psychotherapeutic consultation service for all practising doctors. It is delivered by Consultant Medical Psychotherapists based at BMA House in London. Although located in London the service is open to all doctors in the UK.

Appointments will be offered within 2-4 weeks.

We help doctors to explore difficulties, both professional and personal, with senior clinicians who have the collective experience of treating over 3000 doctors in the last 20 years.

Fee structure

Junior doctors and trainees (including VTS trainees) - £65 per session.

Senior doctors (including GPs and Consultants) - £95 per session.

If you require financial assistance to access DocHealth please let us know. We are able to cover fees for doctors in financial difficulty where appropriate.

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

The RMBF provides support for doctors and their families through all stages of their career and beyond. Our help ranges from financial assistance in the form of grants to a telephone befriending scheme for those who may be isolated and in need of support.

Our help ranges from financial assistance in the form of grants to a telephone befriending scheme for those who may be isolated and in need of support.

  • Retraining costs, professional fees and childcare costs for doctors returning to work after illness
  • Help towards day-to-day living costs for doctors and their family's facing hardship.
  • Doctor Advice Hub.
  • Expert articles covering career advice, wellbeing, money matters and more.
  • Financial advice.
  • Our beneficiaries can access a money advisor for debt management help and other financial advice.

Professional Support Unit West Midlands Deanery (HEE Trainees)

Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in training may complete training without the need for extra support but occasionally some will need additional support to help them through difficult situations such as health issues, challenges with passing exams, concerns regarding training progression and/or significant life events. Professional Support and Wellbeing team (PSW) provide a holistic and collaborative approach to supporting Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in Training in addressing these difficult situations including counselling. Your discussions with the PSW team remain confidential unless there is a risk to patient or your safety.

Self-referral or referral by a trainer.
The PSW team can be contacted by

Doctors Support Network

Online, confidential, and anonymous peer support group for doctors and medical students with mental health concerns.

Disabled Doctors Network

Supporting the welfare, rights and inclusion of chronically ill and physically disabled doctors and medical students.

You Okay Doc?

The Mental Health & Wellbeing Charity for Doctors. Founded by Doctors & Psychotherapists.

A whole host of webinars from notable speakers on topics to do with doctor wellbeing.

In addition, online “Huddle” where, you can chat informally and confidentially with other doctors and an accredited therapist about life as a medic. It is a SAFE SPACE for doctors to chat in a private group about things that are not often freely talked about elsewhere.

Birmingham Healthy Minds

Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service for depression and anxiety. To access the service, you must be registered with a Birmingham GP.

Call or fill in self-referral form online.

Mind Birmingham, Central Wellbeing Hub


Birmingham Wellbeing Hub is open Monday - Friday between 10am - 4pm. The new drop-in Wellbeing Hub provides a safe, secure environment for anyone aged 18+ living in Birmingham or Solihull seeking mental health advice, support and signposting. They invite anyone in need to pop in and char with a friendly team of support workers. 

Visit the hub at Bullring & Grand Central, Link Street, Birmingham, B5 4BS (Between TK Maxx and Supercuts) 

UHB Health and Wellbeing Offer

At University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB), we understand the importance of promoting good health and well-being. That is why we offer a comprehensive range of support and well-being services to cater to your needs.

Last reviewed: 24 October 2024