Grievance staff guide
Understanding the options
If a member of staff has a problem at work the initial course of action should be to raise the matter informally with their immediate line manager.
A line manager must make every effort to resolve a staff concern informally. If the matter cannot be resolved at the informal stage, the member of staff can raise a formal grievance, in accordance with section 3.0 of the Trust's grievance and disputes procedure.
Examples of grievance concerns
- Issues relating to terms and conditions of employment (except nationally agreed terms and conditions of employment)
- Health and safety concerns
- Working practices
- Working environment
- Duties of work
- Equal opportunities/diversity
- Organisational change (with the exception of redundancy situations)
Raising a formal grievance complaint
A member of staff can raise a formal grievance complaint, by completing the form in Appendix A, of the grievance and disputes procedure and including any relevant documented evidence supporting their claim.
The form must be submitted to their line manager or the next line of management if their line manager is the subject of the grievance.
Once a formal grievance has been submitted for consideration, a meeting will be arranged with the member of staff who has submitted the grievance to understand the context of their concern and what outcome they are seeking as a result of the formal grievance disclosure.
What happens at a grievance meeting?
The aim of the meeting is to establish the facts of the grievance and find a way to resolve the concern. The meeting will be digitally recorded and a HR representative will also be present.
If you cannot attend on the proposed date, one alternative date will be suggested. Reasonable timescales must be adhered to.
What preparation is required for a grievance meeting?
The member of staff should state why they are not satisfied with the outcome reached at the informal level and outline what outcome they are seeking as a result of the formal grievance process.
Who can attend a formal grievance meeting with the member of staff?
A member of staff can be accompanied to a grievance meeting by a trade union representative or a work place colleague (who is not associated with the grievance).
It is the responsibility of the member of staff to inform their representative of the date, time and location of any meetings.
What happens after the grievance meeting?
After the grievance meeting has been held, the manager will consider the issue raised and if necessary speak to other staff and review relevant documents.
Once all of the information has been collated, the manager will advise the member of staff of their decision, including actions to be taken to address the grievance and the rationale for that decision.
What happens if a member of staff is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation?
A member of staff has the right to appeal if they are not satisfied with the outcome of the formal grievance process.
The member of staff must write to the deputy director of HR within 14 calendar days of the written outcome using Appendix B of the grievance and disputes procedure and clearly outline the reason for appeal.
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