Performance improvement procedure overview
Where a performance issue arises, managers must discuss this with the member of staff and offer them assistance and support to improve their performance.
The member of staff must be given the opportunity to raise any concerns they have. A summary of the discussion must be put in writing, please see section 3 of the performance improvement procedure for full details.
Formal management
Every effort should be made to improve performance informally. Where issues persist, managers can instigate formal management action (see section 4 of the performance improvement procedure for further information).
Formal stages
- First improvement notice – live for a period of six months
- Final improvement notice – live for a period of twelve months
- Formal capability hearing – dismissal is a potential outcome at this stage
Alternative to dismissal
- Down banding can be considered at any stage of the procedure where appropriate
- Redeployment can be considered at any stage of this procedure if appropriate
- An extended review period at stage two may also be appropriate
Right of appeal
A member of staff has the right of appeal against dismissal. For more information on the right of appeal, please see section 4.4 of the performance improvement procedure.
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