Shared parental leave application handling
The sections below outline the steps a manager should take when handling a shared parental leave application/notification form.
Notification outcomes
Once a manager has considered and discussed a shared parental leave notification from a member of staff, there are three possible outcomes available to the manager:
- Confirm a continuous leave period or accept a discontinuous leave request
- Agree a modification to a leave request (members of staff are under no obligation to modify a continuous leave notice and should never be put under any pressure to do so)
- Refuse a discontinuous leave notification
It is important to note that managers cannot refuse a notification for continuous leave.
Withdrawal of notification
Staff can withdraw their notification for shared parental leave on or before the 15th calendar day after the original notification was made. If not, staff must take the total amount of leave in one continuous block.
Leave start date
The member of staff can choose when the leave period will begin within 19 days of the manager receiving the notification.
If a member of staff does not provide a date, the leave will begin on the date stated in the original notification. Shared parental leave cannot start sooner than the initial notified start date.
Further steps
Managers should also follow the steps below when a member of staff requests shared parental leave:
- Ensure the application is reviewed in a timely fashion and the outcome is provided to the member of staff at the earliest opportunity
- If further discussion is required, it is good practice to arrange a meeting with the member of staff to take place in a confidential environment
- Once the leave arrangements have been agreed, ensure that the shared parental leave is confirmed in writing using the booking confirmation letter template
- Ensure payroll are notified of the agreed leave arrangements using either a HR2a or ESR 2 form and retain all documentation in the staff member's personal file
- Seek advice from the HR First Contact team if further guidance is required before advising the member of staff
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