Conducting an exit interview
Exit interviews should take place between the member of staff leaving UHB and their line manager.
If the line manager is absent or the relationship between the member of staff and the line manager prevents a frank and honest discussion, the exit interview can be completed by another manager from the same service or department who has exit interview experience.
If it is deemed that an independent party, external to the service or department, should undertake the exit interview, contact the HR Advisory Service for further advice.
Before the interview
- Provide the member of staff with appropriate notice of the interview date and ensure they are able to attend
- Book a quiet room that will allow confidential discussions to take place. The room will need to be accessible by the member of staff if the interview is being held in person
- Inform the member of staff they will receive a leaver questionnaire which is different to the exit interview
- Welcome the member of staff
- Explain the purpose of the interview is to understand their reason(s) for leaving and their experience(s) within the service and wider Trust which can include any feedback or recommendations they may have
- Explain the interview will remain confidential, unless concerns of conduct, safeguarding or criminal activity are raised and details will only be shared to provide feedback on general themes for improvement
- Encourage staff to be as open and honest as they can with their feedback to enable the service and Trust to continue to improve
During the interview
- Start the interview with open questions to give the member of staff an opportunity to raise any concerns or feedback
- Refer to the exit interview form to guide discussions, but include any additional questions that feel relevant
- Be prepared to probe answers to gain a full understanding of the staff member's experiences and feedback
- Allow the member of staff time to think about questions and formulate answers. Silent periods during the interview can help a member of staff to fully consider their responses
- Suggest a break if the member of staff becomes distressed and confirm if they wish to continue or rearrange the interview for a later date
- Take notes of key points raised and any actions that should be taken forward
Finishing the interview
- Thank the employee for their time, cooperation and input
- Review any agreed actions that will be taken forward (where appropriate)