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Notice periods

The notice period for a member of staff leaving the Trust will be outlined in their contract of employment and depends on their band and employment history.

A rough guide for notice periods is as follows:

Started role before April 2014

Staff type Notice period
Band 1 – 6 One month
Band 7 – 9 Three months
SMP As per contract
Medical As per contract

Started role after April 2014

Staff type Notice period
Band 1 – 4 One month
Band 5 – 6 Two months
Band 7 – 9 Three months
SMP As per contract
Medical As per contract

Can notice periods be shortened?

Members of staff may request to shorten their notice period.

Consideration of whether a notice period can be shortened is made at a managerial level and should take into consideration:

  • Handover period and the impact of the role being vacant
  • Circumstances around the reason for resignation
  • Impact on service delivery
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