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This information was originally published as part of the Trust's response to COVID-19 pandemic and is currently being reviewed to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. Please be aware that some information may be outdated or may no longer apply until we've completed this review.

If you have any queries, please contact the Inclusion Team.



Chaplains are members of hospital staff trained to provide a high standard of spiritual, religious and pastoral care. There are Christian chaplains (Church of England, Free Church and Roman Catholic), Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist and Humanist chaplains. They are employed specifically to provide support for staff as well as patients and work closely with clinical teams on the wards.

Although the Chaplains currently come from specific religious traditions, the presence and support that they offer is not limited to people who are religious. They understand that there are times when we all need a compassionate, listening ear, and they are frequently called upon to be alongside staff during their work at hospital.

Chaplains can offer:

  • a supportive, listening ear
  • one to one, or group de-briefs after a difficult shift or after a particular encounter
  • mindfulness sessions
  • spiritual health and well-being resources
  • prayer, blessings, sacramental care and support with memorials

UHB Chaplaincy is very conscious of how much both cultural identities, values and assumptions, and religious identity, tradition and practice impacts upon ways in which people:

  • adapt to new circumstances,
  • consequently grow or change in self-awareness
  • find hope and sustain themselves and others amidst traumatic experiences and changing circumstances
  • wrestle with disillusionment and find resources and practices within different faith/belief traditions to address disillusionment
  • navigate bereavement and loss
  • understand recovery, "restoration" and re-integration

Chaplaincy contact details

Good Hope, Heartlands and Solihull hospitals

Tel: 0121 424 7676 (Good Hope Hospital)
Tel: 0121 424 1369 (Heartlands Hospital)
Tel: 0121 424 4099 (Solihull Hospital)

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Tel: 0121 371 4574 or 0121 371 4570

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