Supporting our colleagues with disabilities or long-term health conditions during COVID-19
This information was originally published as part of the Trust's response to COVID-19 pandemic and is currently being reviewed to ensure it remains accurate and relevant. Please be aware that some information may be outdated or may no longer apply until we've completed this review.
If you have any queries, please contact the Inclusion Team.
Coronavirus has had an enormous impact on our day to day lives. Some of our most affected members of staff may be those with pre existing disabilities or long term health conditions.
As a Trust we are committed to supporting all of our staff, and see this as a priority.
As well as being committed to the disability confident scheme and our workforce disability equality standard we want to make sure that our staff with a disability or long term health condition have a bank of resources and information that may offer help of support.
This is in addition to our existing disability or long term health condition staff network and dedicated workforce inclusion team which you can contact by emailing:
The resources here will cover physical disability, mental health condition, long term health conditions and neurodiversity.
Online inclusion training
We have a large catalogue of short and engaging online inclusion training that is now available to all staff through Moodle.
Sign in and either browse the available resources or search for some of the options below:
- Disability confident course
- Disability etiquette
- Disability adventure in work and recruitment
- Banter in the Workplace
- Inclusive language and communication
- Impact of micro behaviours
- The effective bystander
- The diversity challenge
- Understanding unconscious bias
If you have any questions please contact:
Other websites
Downloads can only be accessed using a UHB networked device.