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Professional Nurse Advocate FAQs

What is the Professional Nurse Advocate (PNA) training programme?

The virtual Level 7 Accredited PNA Training Programme will run for 10 days, but the delivery may differ due to the various Higher Education Institutes delivering the programme and the mode of academic assessment can vary from: short essays, poster presentations and competency portfolios. The training programme is accessible toBands 5 and above, if you can evidence that you have obtained a Level 6 qualification or equivalent and have line manager approval. It is expected that as soon as you start the PNA Training Programme, you will start to; support your fellow colleagues, facilitate restorative clinical supervision in practise, and lead and deliver quality improvement initiatives in response to the service demands and the ongoing changing patient requirements. The PNA Training Programme will focus on the four functions of the Advocating for Education and Quality and Improvement (A-Equip) Model, but it will primarily focus on restorative clinical supervision. The four functions of the A-Equip Model are as follows:

  • Clinical Supervision (Restorative)
  • Monitoring, Evaluation and Quality Control (Normative)
  • Personal Action for Quality Improvement
  • Education and Development (Formative)

How can I apply?

The first cohorts have prioritised nurses working in the following areas: critical care, mental health inpatient setting, learning disability inpatient units, ward-basedchildren’s nurses, and community nurses. From April, nurses working in Health and criminal justice settings will be prioritised with all other training places allocated to the regions for local decisions to be made on priority groups. We are planning over 5000 nurses over the next 12 months. If you are working in one of the identified priority groups, please contact your line manager to access an Expression of Interest Form. If not please wait to hear from your region who will be sharing the process for application going forward.

Are there any entry requirements to enrol on the PNA training programme?

The entry requirements are:

  • You are band 5 or above (primarily aimed at bands 5 and 6 front line staff)
  • You have evidence that you have obtained a level 6 qualification or equivalent, such as post-graduate modules, internal level 6 modules or pre-2012 nursing diploma
  • You have line manager approval

How much is the PNA training programme?

There is no cost to undertake the PNA Training. The training programme is fully funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE/I). Upon submitting an expression of interest, applicants make a commitment to complete the programme, supported by the line manager and nominated PNA lead for your organisation.

Who do I contact with enquiries relating to the PNA training programme?

The point of contact is the NHSE/I PNA Midlands team.

Do I receive an increase in my salary for undertaking the programme and facilitating Restorative Clinical Supervision (RCS) in practice and supporting my fellow colleagues - are the additional responsibilities on top of my current role?

No, there will be no increase in salary from undertaking the PNA Training Programme. We expect the additional responsibilities to be implemented as part of your current role

Can I undertake the PNA training programme while I am undertaking academic studies?

In view of the time commitment required to complete the PNA Training programme, we would not recommend that you apply for the PNA training programme while you have other academic commitments.

I have received my outcome letter containing my allocated university, what are my next steps?

Please complete the registration and enrolment process, as detailed in the outcome letter to secure your place on the programme. Should you experience any difficulties with this process, please arrange to contact the university at the email address provided in the outcome letter and they will be happy to support you through this process.

I have just received my cohort start date, but I must now withdraw or cannot commit to completing the programme. What can I do?

Please discuss this with your line manager and your nominated PNA lead, to identify what support they can provide to enable you to undertake the programme. If after speaking with your line manager and your PNA lead you need to withdraw, please contact the Midlands PNA team:

Your nominated PNA lead will be asked to identify another member of staff to replace you.

I have started the programme but now wish to defer to a later cohort. What can I do?

Once an expression of interest is submitted and a university placement secured, there is no option to defer to a later date, unless there are extenuating circumstances. You will need to discuss this with your line manager and nominated PNA lead in the first instance to explore what additional support they can provide to enable you to complete the programme.

What is the funding process for the PNA training programme?

The virtual programme is fully funded directly from NHSE/I and paid straight to the allocated Higher Education Institutes (HEIs).

Can I still enrol if I do not hold a level 6 qualification?

Apologies, if you apply and do not hold a relevant level 6 qualification you will be unsuccessful and not secure a place on the programme. This is due to the HEIs not wanting to set anyone up to fail with this being a level 7 accredited programme.

How can I contact my allocated university (for holiday, sickness and absence, bereavement, withdrawal, personal circumstances relating to children or health conditions)?

All relevant contact details for each higher education institute delivering the programme can be found on the PNA website.

What is the process for submitting my expression of interest and confirming a place on the programme?

The process consists of the following steps:

  • Expression of interest (EOI) completed by applicant and submitted to line manager to confirm support
  • Line manager confirms applicant holds a level 6 qualification and can commit to undertaking training, and submits the EOI to the PNA lead for approval
  • PNA lead considers EOI and confirms approval (or otherwise) to the line manager and applicant, and submits approved EOI to the Midlands PNA team
  • EOI acknowledged and allocated university confirmed including links to register and enrol on the programme
  • University registration and enrolment process followed to receive your student login and cohort details
  • Enrolled onto the PNA training programme
  • Await your cohort's start date

Last reviewed: 12 December 2024