The following information is specific to Agenda for Change colleagues only.
Your appraisal is your time to talk
Every colleague needs to have an annual appraisal/personal development review on a rolling twelve-month basis, with a review at least every six months to check in and discuss what support is required.
Remember: every good conversation starts with good listening
Please make sure you're using the correct form and other documents by downloading the current versions.
Before completing the form, appraisees and appraisers should also review the Appraisal guidance available.
There are two appraisal forms available (see the downloads section at the bottom of this page). If you are a line manager, team leader or supervisor please use the managers appraisal form as there are additional sections for people managers.
Appraisers: once the appraisal conversation has taken place please report it and update the member of staff’s record.
New starters and new to role
To support our new-to-team or new-to-the-Trust colleagues into their roles, please arrange an objective setting meeting within six weeks of their start date. Using the Trust appraisal form, please complete the objectives, development and health and well-being sections in this discussion.
Medical appraisal, excluding doctors in training
Please refer to medic@work or get in touch via email.
Last reviewed: 05 March 2025