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Introduction to the Talent Management Framework

What is talent management?

Talent management is proactively understanding and supporting the development and career aspirations of our workforce. It enables us to support individuals to be their best selves and encourages career mobility and development, while ensuring we have a workforce that is empowered to meet the current and future workplace needs and demands.

Talent management helps to:

  • identify the skills and competencies required to support the delivery of our services
  • enable us to develop individuals to help them progress within the Trust
  • identify and develop our future leaders
  • increase employee engagement and retain key talent
  • have plans in place to meet future workforce demands and ensure continuity

What's in the Talent Management Framework?

The framework provides managers with the tools needed to effectively support talent development at UHB. It has been designed to provide a simple, step by step approach to undertake talent management through the process of talent assessment and succession planning.

For more information you can view the talent management pages on this website or download the toolkit.

Talent assessment

Talent assessment is about understanding and identifying the current skills, knowledge and competencies of individuals and how these can be developed and nurtured dependent on their career aspirations and wants.

Succession planning

Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing potential future successors to fill business-critical roles, on a short-, medium- or long-term basis. The aim is to be able to fill key roles effectively, whether due to planned or unplanned turnover of staff.

Why has the framework been developed?

We have developed the Talent Management Framework to create an inclusive approach to assessing talent and creating effective succession planning. This will enable managers to take a strategic approach to developing and managing talent across the Trust. It can also be used by project leads who are looking to identify talent to work on specific projects.


We have developed templates for use in each stage of the Talent Management Framework process.

Template Intended purpose
Performance assessment Helps you to assess and measure the performance of individuals within your team against generic and role-specific performance indicators
Potential assessment Helps you to assess and measure the potential of the individuals within your team against generic and role-specific potential indicators
Talent matrix Enables you to identify where individuals are based on their performance and potential assessments and provides advice on what development and support can be implemented to support the career aspirations of everyone
Critical role identification Assists you to identify the critical roles within your teams. Enables you to understand the number of occupants to the role and the likelihood of "ready" internal candidates, and to identify the impact on patients, service delivery and the rest of the team if the role is vacant
Competencies Supports you in considering the key competencies required for each critical role
Candidate evaluation Enables managers to evaluate an individual against a critical role. Will require identification and assessment of any gaps 
Readiness chart Allows you to plot successor candidates onto the readiness chart 
Development plan Captures regular review and evaluation, which is essential to ensure that the assessment and toolkits that have been completed remain "live" and that any agreed actions are up to date

Talent management roadmap

To complete the talent management process, managers will follow these steps, using the templates where required:

  1. Assess performance
  2. Assess potential
  3. Plot individual onto talent matrix
  4. Conduct talent assessment conversation with individual
  5. Identify competencies
  6. Evaluate staff and identify gaps
  7. Identify readiness of successors
  8. Develop successors
  9. Create development plans
  10. Monitor and review

How do I learn more?

If you would like to find out more you can email the talent management inbox.

You can also view the talent management pages on this website, as well as accessing bitesize training videos.

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